The emotional rollercoster…

You are a human being. And whether you agree with it or not, every human is an emotional being. Sometimes it feels like a rollercoster; and other times you may feel like your in control.

Emotions is the way people like you get influenced, motivated and even manipulated by a lot of advertising and marketing that is happening all around us.

But at times, you may have noticed that like your head just might explode from all of that negativity bottled up inside.

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This negativity is quite unhealthy, and if you don’t get a hold of yourself your day can go from bad to worse quite quickly.

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But it is crucial to start embracing it, because this can help you control these emotions. There are so many activities that you can do to clear your head from all the negativity. Listen to a podcast, go for a walk, sing (seriously it can do you some good).

Its easy to get arrogant and cocky. Get out of that rut. Soak up positivity that is around you. You know that you’re the person in control. So start taking charge.

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Because you’re in control, you can consciously select what emotions to portray. And this is important for you to keep a balance mentally and emotionally.

There is always a practical solution that you would be able to implement and apply all the time. The ball is in your court. You’re the only person that can get rid of the excuses and just make things work.

Another way to tackle this feeling is that you should audit your rules of success in order to.

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Look at your goals. Are they realistic? Are you trying to be the best in the game whilst keeping your parents happy?

Maybe you are feeling pathetic because you expect too much out of yourself in a short amount of time. Think about it. Write it down.

But most importantly,  give it 100. Every single day  you need to work towards your goals to keep yourself emotionally stable.

Its in your hands now. No more excuses. Get going.

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