
There is a psychological concept known as strength based science. It essentially implies that instead of trying to focus on your weaknesses, people should focus on and develop your strengths.

A lot of these qualities emphasised the different aspects of people’s personality rather than any specific skill set of some sort. The test was similar to a variety of personality quizzes out there on Google.

Here is the link:… Have a go and see what you come up with.

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One of the things you learn are the different types of  strengths in a person’s character such as creativity, leadership and kindness.

Being too kind can be viewed as a weakness. It can make you feel weak, silly and useless at times.

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Unfortunately, people can take advantage of how nice you are. There may be people telling you not to be an altruistic your whole life..

“Standing up for yourself” is just another way of saying ‘insult the other person back.’ And I’m sure this would be the same if not worse than the bully. Dare to make kindness your essence and a way of life.

Picture what your personal brand looks like. And make kindness your second nature because being nice and kind is literally one of the easiest things you could do.

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Having said that, beware of the sense of entitlement you may feel with whomever you interact with. Ignorance, arrogance and ungraciousness is such as terrible combination of traits.

This horrendous attitude will get you nowhere. So decide to be nice to others by smiling and giving genuine compliments. It can feel so good to impact someone in a positive way. It may turn out to be a foundation of how you live….

Regardless of other people’s attitudes, you can control your own thoughts, actions and behaviours. Make it a point not to let the negativity of others get in your head and change your thoughts in a bad way.

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True kindness works if it is actually genuine. ‘Faking it till you make it’ is probably the worst mistake you could make.

Kindness is not too difficult. But you must be willing to learn, improve, strive.

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