Proving Everyone Wrong…

Disruption is quite an interesting concept. This video is a bit emotional, but very inspirational and worth your time to view.

To lay down the basics in case you’re unfamiliar with it, anything that creates a new market and eventually disrupts an existing market is known as a disruptive innovation.

There were so many connections between this concept and life experiences in general.

You may feel uncertain with the concept of ‘disruption’ because it can make their entire product line look old and unattractive. This may sound oddly similar to feeling ‘worried about what other people think.’ But learn to keep doing what you love; as Gary Vee says “it really doesn’t matter what they think.”

Have a think about the last line in Elon’s clip when he says: “I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.”

Over time you might noticed that when you’re doing something you love, you will find it difficult to let go. You really would have to be dead or incapacitated before you give it up.

When inspiration hits you like a ton of bricks, you would rarely miss any opportunity to express yourself as much as you can.

Watching Elon’s video serves as a great reminder to keep your head up, use your emotions to your advantage and power through. 💯🔥💪

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