
STOP. Before you read on, here is an interesting video. Check it out! It may really resonate with you. Do not read the rest of this blog until you have watched the video…

One of the things he mentions in the video that is super inspiring is that “the number one thing I hate is ignorance. That’s the only disease you can’t fight.”

Ignorance is something that can really get under your skin. It is so much easier to admit that you don’t know something.

Too Easy GIFs | Tenor

The main thing is to actually emphasise what you are going to do about it. Are you going to continue not knowing about a specific topic? Or will you get your ego out of the way and find out the information for yourself?

What’s even worse is the fact that some people won’t even bother to acknowledge their lack of knowledge, keeping themselves stagnant and stubborn in the long run. THAT is something that no one can fight or counter whatsoever.

There are many ways to get over the trap of becoming and remaining ignorant.


Admit it when you don’t know something; that ‘hey I don’t know what this means, but I will find out more.’ Over time, you’ll notice that the ‘I will find out more’ would always be received well by others.

Step one is to admit you are unaware and are willing to search for the information.

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Another solution to the ignorance issue is to keep being persistent. But the times you persist and consistently make an effort to solve the problem at hand, you won’t feel disappointed in the end.

The last thing is to control what you can control. Not worrying about the things outside of your control can make your days happier, more productive and truly gratifying.

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Simplicity can be either your greatest strength or your biggest weakness. What’s it gonna be for you?

The Struggle Is Real GIFs | Tenor

The amount of quotes highlighting the importance of simplicity that are out there is insane. But quotes don’t do any justice unless you take action and practice your skills. 

It is easier said than done. But it is not impossible, and simplicity can be applied in almost anything you do. Nothing to be distressed about..

8 Facepalm Gifs - Gif Abyss

Now I could tell you about it…. or just show this:

Simple life

This doesn’t just apply to entrepreneurship. It is relevant for every human with a brain and a body.

So the key things for you to remember are:

  • Take action towards your goals
  • Keep practicing your skills every single day
  • Let go of perfectionism cause it doesn’t exist
  • Move closer to the kind of person you would like to be
Kobe Bryant Mamba Mentality GIF - KobeBryant MambaMentality ...


One of the interesting aspects about advertising and marketing is the way colours are used. Its fascinating how colours affect the way people view different things in the world around them.

Colours affect our emotions and perceptions more directly, and it can impact you personally without consciously thinking about it.

Like for example, what happens when you see red? Do you feel excited, alert and aware of what is going on around you. Does it instantly capture your attention, for better or for worse?

SNAPE - Who Knows GIF by Reactions | Gfycat

You may not have learnt about the psychological effect of colours in detail. But just be aware that colours can help you as a consumer make buying decisions daily.

When you look at different brands, and their logos especially, you may realise that the colours they’ve used really enhance their brand identity and personality.

Think about Coca Cola for a second. What are the main emotions that come to your mind when you think of this brand?

Are they feelings of excitement and energy? Does it take you back to all the good times drinking a can of Coke? As soon as you open the can, does the scent and taste of the bubbles, froth and fizziness exhilarate and heighten your senses?

Excited GIFs | Tenor

Colours don’t just make you feel happy. Colours can have a bit of a negative association with it.

Sticking with the red theme, understand that red doesn’t always stir up enthusiasm or electrifying emotions. Does your face go red every time you feel angry or shy?

I’m sure you’re familiar with this: 😡. The ‘angry face emoji’ gives a negative perception of red because it is associated with anger. The importance of colours, certain hues and combinations of different colours is something brands should be familiar with to avoid any negative associations.

Effective colour schemes can enhance or diminish a brand’s image. Make sure you use it wisely…

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The 80/20 rule…

Have you heard about the 80/20 rule? If you haven’t, it can be quite confusing to understand.

When you google its definition, you may see this: ‘the rule, also known as the Pareto Principle suggests that 20 per cent of your activities will account for 80 per cent of your results.’… Like… what in the world does this even mean?

Come On What GIF by MOODMAN - Find & Share on GIPHY

Firstly though, just know that when you make the time to learn about this principle, you can really use it and benefit from it in every way.

If you decide to invest a little more time into this, you may find that the principle was named after an Italian guy Vilfredo Pareto. He noticed and came to the realisation that society would be naturally divided into the ‘vital few’ and ‘trivial many’ categories.

Even though this was based on money and the influence of people, the more you apply this into your everyday life, you will see that it is a lot simpler than you thought it would be

Light Bulb GIFs | Tenor

Let’s say you want to stay in shape. You must know that the most vital aspect is to exercise every single day. These workouts become the ‘vital few’ activities you must achieve; there is no other option.

Working out without missing a day will make you feel fitter, healthier and enthusiastic about the rest the activities that you have got going on. It can become such an addictive feeling if you let it.

What is Kobe Bryant's Myers-Briggs personality type? - Quora

How does this relate to the 80/20 rule? Well, a lot of it has to do with prioritisation. As part of your daily routine, get a little exercise in there no matter what.

Over time, this can make you feel a hell of a lot better about your own wellness and appearance. You will be grateful and it is something you won’t ever regret.

Proving Everyone Wrong…

Disruption is quite an interesting concept. This video is a bit emotional, but very inspirational and worth your time to view.

To lay down the basics in case you’re unfamiliar with it, anything that creates a new market and eventually disrupts an existing market is known as a disruptive innovation.

There were so many connections between this concept and life experiences in general.

You may feel uncertain with the concept of ‘disruption’ because it can make their entire product line look old and unattractive. This may sound oddly similar to feeling ‘worried about what other people think.’ But learn to keep doing what you love; as Gary Vee says “it really doesn’t matter what they think.”

Have a think about the last line in Elon’s clip when he says: “I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.”

Over time you might noticed that when you’re doing something you love, you will find it difficult to let go. You really would have to be dead or incapacitated before you give it up.

When inspiration hits you like a ton of bricks, you would rarely miss any opportunity to express yourself as much as you can.

Watching Elon’s video serves as a great reminder to keep your head up, use your emotions to your advantage and power through. 💯🔥💪

Inner child…

Harley-Davidson Logo Wallpapers - Top Free Harley-Davidson Logo Backgrounds  - WallpaperAccess

I have a task for you.

Have a look at this ad called ‘Inner child’ by Harley Davidson. Although it has not been officially released by the company. Write down what you think make this ad great or average before you read the rest of this blog…

The music that builds up as the ad continues is amazing to watch and can hook you until right at the very end.

The fact that this advert has absolutely no words spoken or written other than Harley’s logo, creates an emotionally impactful ad, almost like a movie.

HARLEY-DAVIDSON - Inner Child - YouTube

Harley Davidson is a classic American brand that emphasises the personality of an outlaw. It’s the type of individual that needs and strives for independence, liberation and freedom.

It sends a message to the audience that Harley is a brand that has a desire to revolutionise the world. They hate status quo, as well as conformance of any kind.

Brand Archetypes: The Definitive Guide [36 Examples]

After watching the advertisement and having a look at Harley Davidson’s official website, it was clear that not only did this brand symbolise freedom, but they also felt the need to have a sense of adventure wherever they go.

There is simplicity in this idea, and discovering the freedom that was achieved can create a sense of liberation just watching the ad.

Harley Davidson’s ‘inner child’ ad is stunning, unique and very memorable. Its the kind of advert that you may always remember and how it made you feel.


Fear is an interesting thing. There is a the saying that people can ‘either be pushed by fear or pulled by love.’   

How many times have you run away from doing something because you were too afraid? How many times were you worried about what others might say?

Does it feel like you’re frozen with fear before getting ready to dive into the deep end of the pool? Worried that you wont make the jump?

There are thousands of books, videos, podcasts and posts on social media that give a variety of strategies to overcome a fear of any kind.

But the essence of it all boils down to getting things done and taking action. There is simply one way to overcome fear, and that is to face it head-on.

What would you when you’re almost paralysed with fear? Take the easy option and run away? Or toughen up and give it 100?

You may find that you are physically in pain, or are especially anxious when you know that people are counting on you.

Once you get over the initial jitters, you may come to even enjoy yourself a bit. Despite all the drama you create, you’ll find that you can sleep well that night, knowing you gave it everything you possibly could.

All it takes is purposeful action.  

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Discipline is an interesting concept. But let me ask you: do you think you’re an expert in it? If you’re not, fortunately for you there is time for you to become better at this crucial attribute.

Does discipline have a bit of a negative connotation? Google says that discipline is ‘the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience.’ Sounds a bit full-on, doesn’t it?

Geeze GIFs | Tenor

Hearing the word discipline may not have struck much of a chord right? You and me both.

I’m sure you don’t like to be forced to do anything, especially something you don’t want to. Something you should know is that any time you come across a biography of any successful person (using ‘successful’ very loosely right now), it is discipline and persistence that reign supreme.

While there are no specific words of wisdom as to how to gain discipline; you should just take it one day at a time.

Marge Simpson Episode 3 GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

For example, do you relish at the idea of waking up early at all? Everyone loves their beauty, sleep, right? Who wants to wake up at an ungodly hour like 4 o clock every morning? In the beginning, just the mere thought of that might have sent shivers down your spine…

But focus. And just keep going. One day at a time. First focus on waking up early for one day, then two days, then the rest of the week, then two weeks, and another, and another. Before you know it, you’ll be waking up early for a month and a half, and then two months! Can you believe it?

The point is… discipline started with doing. It starts with taking action. And the more you practice any simple change, the bearable, and possibly even enjoyable it becomes.

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‘Becoming’ by Michelle Obama: Book review

It can be tempting to write in a way that sounds impressive and impactful by using “big” words.

But the true power of story telling stems from using simple yet effective words to describe the current scenario and creating an experience for your readers to witness.

Michelle Obama’s autobiography “Becoming” is a great example of this. If you have not read her story, it truly is worth your time. And her use of imagery is as vivid as ever.

Michelle Obama GIF by Election 2016 - Find & Share on GIPHY

You can literally “see” pictures of Michelle’s life in front of your very own eyes. Her way of almost pulling you (the reader) into her classroom or on the stage as the First Lady of the United States seems compelling and enticing.

It was very refreshing and, even almost comforting, to know that a successful and popular figure in today’s time has faced similar challenges as any other human being has.

It will be reassuring for you to know that you’re not the only one who has gone through difficult times.

Empowering Quotes by Michelle Obama to Get You Through Winter — Pierre Into  My Life

Resilience is another theme that Michelle emphasises on throughout her story. Noticing the spirit of self-sufficiency and pride is something that can really strike a chord with you as you read. It’s the mentality of not feeling sorry for oneself and reflective of a larger sense of pride that Michelle sensed and admired.

It is stories like these that make ‘Becoming’ so invigorating. The way Michelle writes can help you relate to your own experiences. Whether that is from school, your job, relationships or sacrifices that you make on a daily basis.

Reading Michelle’s story with great curiosity can help you reflect on your own journey. And I guess this was what she had wanted writing her book; to see our own selves through her eyes.

Michelle Obama Yes GIF by thatwasawesome - Find & Share on GIPHY

I hope this review entices you to read Michelle Obama’s incredible story and encourage you to create your own.

52 Michelle Obama Gifs to Get You Through 2017


There is a psychological concept known as strength based science. It essentially implies that instead of trying to focus on your weaknesses, people should focus on and develop your strengths.

A lot of these qualities emphasised the different aspects of people’s personality rather than any specific skill set of some sort. The test was similar to a variety of personality quizzes out there on Google.

Here is the link: https://www.viacharacter.org/survey/account/register… Have a go and see what you come up with.

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One of the things you learn are the different types of  strengths in a person’s character such as creativity, leadership and kindness.

Being too kind can be viewed as a weakness. It can make you feel weak, silly and useless at times.

Image result for sad gif

Unfortunately, people can take advantage of how nice you are. There may be people telling you not to be an altruistic your whole life..

“Standing up for yourself” is just another way of saying ‘insult the other person back.’ And I’m sure this would be the same if not worse than the bully. Dare to make kindness your essence and a way of life.

Picture what your personal brand looks like. And make kindness your second nature because being nice and kind is literally one of the easiest things you could do.

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Having said that, beware of the sense of entitlement you may feel with whomever you interact with. Ignorance, arrogance and ungraciousness is such as terrible combination of traits.

This horrendous attitude will get you nowhere. So decide to be nice to others by smiling and giving genuine compliments. It can feel so good to impact someone in a positive way. It may turn out to be a foundation of how you live….

Regardless of other people’s attitudes, you can control your own thoughts, actions and behaviours. Make it a point not to let the negativity of others get in your head and change your thoughts in a bad way.

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True kindness works if it is actually genuine. ‘Faking it till you make it’ is probably the worst mistake you could make.

Kindness is not too difficult. But you must be willing to learn, improve, strive.

Image result for ellen be kind to one another gif